Spirulina, the Miracle Superfood for Your Brain May 1, 2020 Do your kids have problems concentrating in class? Are they alert and quick to understand the lessons? Can they remember what is taught? If your answer is “No”, how can you help them?
A Mother’s Nutritional Gift to her Unborn Child September 2, 2020 May is a month of honouring a mother’s sacrificial love for their children. On Mother’s Day, mothers are celebrated worldwide for the great lengths they go towards to giving their children the very best, right from the time they are born. But did you know the best begins even before the baby is conceived?
Prep Your Marital Journey by Staying Healthy August 28, 2020 You’ve prepared everything for your wedding but have your prepared yourself for marriage and family life? The highs of courtship and marriage will soon fade to the background once the excitement has settled. Besides having to adjust to and bear with each other’s quirks, the constant stress of daily living, especially in these modern times, may strain a new marriage.
Your Heart, Your Health, Your Happiness March 17, 2021 Being physically active can improve your heart and health, thus reducing your risk of developing heart diseases. It is also a great mood and stress buster!
Follow These Healthy Habits for a Healthier Life August 30, 2020 Being healthy isn’t a trend; it’s a lifestyle. A healthy lifestyle makes you feel more energetic and reduces your risk of sickness, disease and obesity.
Protect Your Sight from Harmful Blue Light July 6, 2021 What has the pandemic done to our eyes? The coronavirus pandemic caught the world off-guard, sending businesses into a downward spiral and caused many to lose their jobs. World leaders and the authorities are at a loss of how to contain the virus. As a result, many of us were confined in our homes. A lockdown was issued.
Your Health is in Your Hands April 27, 2020 According to the Health Protection Agency, there are typically between 2 and 10,000,000 bacteria on each of our hands. And that’s not including viruses, micro-organisms, fungi and other pathogens!
Are You at Risk of having a Heart Disease? March 17, 2021 Risk factors for heart disease that include your lifestyle and diet choices can be improved upon when you practise these 10 tips for a healthy heart.
How to Use a Hand Sanitiser – A Dollop or Two? April 27, 2020 There is a reason why your friends are carrying around a hand sanitiser in their handbags. Surfaces like door handles, shopping carts, phones, taps, and remote controls are some of the commonly touched areas that harbour billions of potentially harmful microbes. And it can be amplified during cold and flu season and viral outbreaks, making clean hands even more essential.
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