Mommies, Give Your Child a Strong Start with Spirulina! April 17, 2020 In the past, when children were sick, it usually involved infectious diseases like colds, coughs and other bacterial and virus infections. But today, chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and developmental disabilities like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are commonly found in children. It is no wonder then, that by the time they reach adulthood, 7 out of 10 Malaysian adults will suffer from chronic diseases.
The Bacterial War inside Your Gut March 22, 2021 While you eat, sleep, work, and play, there is a war raging inside you. Nothing for you to be alarmed of; it is just your average daily bacteria at play. Did you know that your gut is home to two types of bacteria? The good and the bad.
How to Disinfect Your Digital Devices without Damaging Them April 27, 2020 It is often said that our digital devices are like our third limbs. That’s because we’re constantly touching them and picking them up to use them in our daily lives. We use our phones for several hours a day, even when we’re checking our shopping lists at the supermarket.
Mind Your Heart March 18, 2021 Being physically active can improve your heart and health, thus reducing your risk of developing heart diseases. It is also a great mood and stress buster!
Prep Your Marital Journey by Staying Healthy August 28, 2020 You’ve prepared everything for your wedding but have your prepared yourself for marriage and family life? The highs of courtship and marriage will soon fade to the background once the excitement has settled. Besides having to adjust to and bear with each other’s quirks, the constant stress of daily living, especially in these modern times, may strain a new marriage.
Mommies, Give Your Child a Strong Start with Spirulina! April 17, 2020 In the past, when children were sick, it usually involved infectious diseases like colds, coughs and other bacterial and virus infections. But today, chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and developmental disabilities like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are commonly found in children. It is no wonder then, that by the time they reach adulthood, 7 out of 10 Malaysian adults will suffer from chronic diseases.
Protect Your Heart with Love and Nutrient Therapy March 18, 2021 One of the ways to protect your heart is by adopting a heart-healthy lifestyle with a mix of nutrition, physical activity, and health management.
Up to 90% of Asian Schoolchildren are Near-Sighted July 5, 2021 Wearing glasses used to be a common sight only among the elderly but children today are increasingly donning glasses too. In fact, up to 90% of Asian children are short-sighted with about 10-20% suffering from high degree myopia, and this trend is expected to increase.
Your Health is in Your Hands April 27, 2020 According to the Health Protection Agency, there are typically between 2 and 10,000,000 bacteria on each of our hands. And that’s not including viruses, micro-organisms, fungi and other pathogens!
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