Mommies, Give Your Child a Strong Start with Spirulina! April 17, 2020 In the past, when children were sick, it usually involved infectious diseases like colds, coughs and other bacterial and virus infections. But today, chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and developmental disabilities like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are commonly found in children. It is no wonder then, that by the time they reach adulthood, 7 out of 10 Malaysian adults will suffer from chronic diseases.
The Best Ways to Supplement Your Immune System May 10, 2021 Have you ever wondered how your immune system works? Do you know how important it is to have one that functions at optimum? Here’s how and why.
Colostrum is Nature’s Best Immunity Food April 17, 2020 Colostrum is the first ‘milk’ that milk-producing mammals create after giving birth. Pure and natural, it is Mother Nature’s answer to jumpstarting a baby’s immune system. It can also promote growth and development in children, maintain good health, and speed up the healing and repair processes in the weak and elderly.
Boost Your Brain Health with Spirulina May 1, 2020 The eating habits that we develop in our youth tend to stay with us until our old age. Therefore, it is important to establish good nutrition habits during childhood or the teenage years, as it will impact their health in the long run.
Unable to Conceive? Here’s What You Can Do September 7, 2020 Infertility is a not a popular topic as it can get really emotional for some people, often leading to awkwardness and discomfort. The truth is that anyone dealing with infertility is not alone. Here are some conventional therapies that are available in hospitals/centres if you find yourself unable to conceive after several years.
Spirulina, Your Perfect Ramadhan Companion May 1, 2020 Muslims welcome the fasting month of Ramadan as a time for spiritual renewal. Yet, life goes on as usual, so how can you carry on your daily activities without slackening due to lack of energy? The answer:
Build Strong Bones for You and Your Baby with Calmax September 1, 2020 Calcium can be found in 99% of our skeleton including our teeth, making it one of the most vital elements to our health especially for pregnant women. Calcium deficiency in pregnant women is highly dangerous as babies begin to draw calcium from their mother’s bones; if mothers suffer from calcium deficiency, it can pose many possible health complications for both mom and baby.
A Mother’s Nutritional Gift to her Unborn Child September 2, 2020 May is a month of honouring a mother’s sacrificial love for their children. On Mother’s Day, mothers are celebrated worldwide for the great lengths they go towards to giving their children the very best, right from the time they are born. But did you know the best begins even before the baby is conceived?
How to Use a Hand Sanitiser – A Dollop or Two? April 27, 2020 There is a reason why your friends are carrying around a hand sanitiser in their handbags. Surfaces like door handles, shopping carts, phones, taps, and remote controls are some of the commonly touched areas that harbour billions of potentially harmful microbes. And it can be amplified during cold and flu season and viral outbreaks, making clean hands even more essential.
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