What You Can Do to Keep Your Heart Healthy

According to the World Health Organisation, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. Coronary artery disease (CAD), the cause of most heart attacks, happens when the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles become hardened and narrowed by fatty plaques made up of cholesterol.


How to Improve Your Gut Health

When food is eaten, it is digested by our stomach and small intestines before entering our colon (large intestine) for further digestion, absorption of water and elimination of undigested food. As waste build up in the colon can cause toxins to be released into our blood circulation, it is important to regularly cleanse our colon.


8 Ways to Love Your Bones and Joints

Our bones and joints hold up our body and help us move. Without them, we’ll collapse into a mass of flesh and organs. Bone and joint degeneration is inevitable as we age, but if we care for them now, they’ll continue to serve us well right through our golden years. Here are 8 simple ways to love our bones and joints.

Pregnant Young Woman Holds Shoes for Newborn.

Superfood Spirulina for Moms-to-be and Kids

Pregnancy and childhood are phases in life that witness rapid physical growth and as such, require special nutritional care for healthy development. In fact, a healthy baby starts from a well-nourished, physically-fit mom. Generally, there are three different phases from pregnancy to childhood with each stage requiring different nutrition.