The Bacterial War inside Your Gut March 22, 2021 While you eat, sleep, work, and play, there is a war raging inside you. Nothing for you to be alarmed of; it is just your average daily bacteria at play. Did you know that your gut is home to two types of bacteria? The good and the bad.
How to Boost Your Chances of Pregnancy August 27, 2020 Trying to conceive? Pregnancy is a time of joy and of blooming. However, not everyone can conceive when they want to. Getting pregnant may seem effortless for some, yet it can be a struggle for others. Here are 7 simple lifestyle changes to help boost your chances of fertility.
Your Gut Feeling – How Gut Health Affects Your Body June 16, 2020 Did you know that despite regularly eating a balanced diet, you can still suffer from poor nutrient absorption? Imagine that! If you’re eating three meals a day and still feeling hungry; your gut could be clogged. It’s not what you eat, but what you absorb that matters.
Mommies, Give Your Child a Strong Start with Spirulina! April 17, 2020 In the past, when children were sick, it usually involved infectious diseases like colds, coughs and other bacterial and virus infections. But today, chronic diseases like obesity, diabetes, hypertension and developmental disabilities like attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and autism are commonly found in children. It is no wonder then, that by the time they reach adulthood, 7 out of 10 Malaysian adults will suffer from chronic diseases.
A Mother’s Nutritional Gift to her Unborn Child September 2, 2020 May is a month of honouring a mother’s sacrificial love for their children. On Mother’s Day, mothers are celebrated worldwide for the great lengths they go towards to giving their children the very best, right from the time they are born. But did you know the best begins even before the baby is conceived?
What You Can Do to Keep Your Heart Healthy June 16, 2020 According to the World Health Organisation, cardiovascular diseases are the number one cause of death globally. Coronary artery disease (CAD), the cause of most heart attacks, happens when the arteries that supply blood to the heart muscles become hardened and narrowed by fatty plaques made up of cholesterol.
Show Me the Science – How to Wash and Dry Your Hands April 27, 2020 As the cases of coronavirus continue to climb within the country, people are on high alert looking for ways to protect themselves and avoid germs. One reliable method is, of course, washing your hands. In fact, washing your hands regularly with soap and water can lower your risk of contracting diarrheal diseases by 50% (any source?)!
A Healthy Heart for a Longer and Happier Life August 29, 2020 A nation can only be wealthy if it is healthy, as many of our hopes and dreams can only be realised through living long and healthy lives. When people are in the best of health, they can achieve high work productivity, contribute to the well-being of our society and are rarely sick.
How to Improve Your Gut Health June 16, 2020 When food is eaten, it is digested by our stomach and small intestines before entering our colon (large intestine) for further digestion, absorption of water and elimination of undigested food. As waste build up in the colon can cause toxins to be released into our blood circulation, it is important to regularly cleanse our colon.
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