Are You at Risk of having a Heart Disease? March 17, 2021 Risk factors for heart disease that include your lifestyle and diet choices can be improved upon when you practise these 10 tips for a healthy heart.
Up to 90% of Asian Schoolchildren are Near-Sighted July 5, 2021 Wearing glasses used to be a common sight only among the elderly but children today are increasingly donning glasses too. In fact, up to 90% of Asian children are short-sighted with about 10-20% suffering from high degree myopia, and this trend is expected to increase.
How to Boost Your Chances of Pregnancy August 27, 2020 Trying to conceive? Pregnancy is a time of joy and of blooming. However, not everyone can conceive when they want to. Getting pregnant may seem effortless for some, yet it can be a struggle for others. Here are 7 simple lifestyle changes to help boost your chances of fertility.
Unable to Conceive? Here’s What You Can Do September 7, 2020 Infertility is a not a popular topic as it can get really emotional for some people, often leading to awkwardness and discomfort. The truth is that anyone dealing with infertility is not alone. Here are some conventional therapies that are available in hospitals/centres if you find yourself unable to conceive after several years.
A Healthy Heart for a Longer and Happier Life August 29, 2020 A nation can only be wealthy if it is healthy, as many of our hopes and dreams can only be realised through living long and healthy lives. When people are in the best of health, they can achieve high work productivity, contribute to the well-being of our society and are rarely sick.
How to Disinfect Your Digital Devices without Damaging Them April 27, 2020 It is often said that our digital devices are like our third limbs. That’s because we’re constantly touching them and picking them up to use them in our daily lives. We use our phones for several hours a day, even when we’re checking our shopping lists at the supermarket.
Sip, Rinse, Repeat – Caring for Your Reusable Drinkware April 27, 2020 Reusable water bottles are environmentally friendly, save you money, and keep you hydrated. What’s not to love about it? But if you haven’t been cleaning it regularly, then you’re only allowing bacteria to grow all over your bottle. Like any kitchenware and cookware that you use, you should clean your reusable drinkware regularly.
11 Ways to Boost Your Immunity Today! April 17, 2020 Why are some people better at fighting infection than others? It’s largely due to our genes. Some of us inherit a set of immune system genes that are better at dealing with viruses. If you don’t have strong genes, there are ways to strengthen your immune system and reduce your chances of falling ill. Here’s what you can do:
Young Adults Today May Suffer from AMD. Why? July 6, 2021 So, you think serious vision problems happen mostly to the elderly. Think again. Age-related macular degeneration (AMD) is happening more often now than previously thought. Individuals under the age of 50 can suffer from early forms of AMD which eventually leads to the loss of visual acuity, or 20/20 vision.
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