Say Thank You with Elken Spirulina Powder!
(Retail price worth WM/EM RM 289 / SG/BN $118) ! Elken Santa will do you a favour by sending them this gift of health.
CAMPAIGN PERIOD: 12:00 AM, 16th December 2020 – 6:00 PM, 5th January 2021
Terms and conditions apply.

Record a one (1) minute THANK YOU video :

Name the *person you would like to thank and their relationship with you, then tell us why in one (1) minute.
* The person must be a permanent resident or
citizen in Malaysia, Singapore or Brunei.

Your video script MUST include below:

Dear Elken Santa,
I would like to participate in the “All I Want for Christmas is Spirulina” campaign.
WHO to thank and WHY.
Please make my wish come true and deliver the complete 60 essential nutrients in one Elken Spirulina Powder to him/her…….
Hi Elken,
Saya ingin menyertai kempen hadiah “All I Want for this holiday season is Spirulina!”
Terima kasih kepada SIAPA dan MENGAPA.
Tunaikan hasrat saya dan hadiahkan Elken Spirulina Powder yang kaya dengan 60 nutrien penting yang lengkap kepada…….
亲爱的爱康圣诞老人/Elken Santa:

Upload the video to your Facebook and/or Instagram page.

INCLUDE the following hashtags in your caption:

Accounts that are not set to public, or posts that do not exhibit the hashtags mentioned above will not be eligible to receive a prize.
TOP 60 winners will be judged and selected based on the 3 criteria below:

Videos that received the highest number of LIKES!

You MUST include the script mentioned in Step 1(b) above

The most creative, fun and touching way of relaying/presenting your THANK YOU message.

Little tips here to beat the rest and get Elken Santa sent the gift for you

- Tag your family members and friends in the caption to like your video post.
- For video creativity idea:
- You can sing, rap, or dance.
- You can dress up in Christmas attire or be in New Year mode.
- You can accompany your video with a Christmas carol.
- You can choose to use our pre-made video frames to beautify your video before uploading it; and or
- You can mix and match any languages, either your mother tongue, home dialect, Sing-lish, Bahasa Pasar (Unique Malaysian tone) to thank your loved ones

BONUS!!! More Chances to WIN!
Each participant may submit more than one (1) entry (based on the person he or she is thanking) during the Campaign Period on either Facebook or Instagram but he/she is only eligible to win one (1) bottle of Elken Spirulina Powder if selected as a winner
Please exercise caution when participating in the campaign.
Minors must be closely supervised by parents and/or guardians at all times.

Not sure what to say? Don’t worry,
we have prepared a video script template to help you out!
Sample #1
Dear Elken Santa,
I would like to participate in the “All I Want for Christmas is Spirulina” campaign. I would like to thank my husband, Alex, for his unconditional love and support.
Thank you for always encouraging me to do my best, always believing in me, even when I can’t even believe in myself and thank you for being so damn amazing, for your everything that I’ve ever wanted and so much more.
Please make my wish come true and deliver the complete 60 essential nutrients in one Elken Spirulina Powder to him as he deserves to have the best in the world
Sample #2
Dear Elken Santa,
I would like to participate in the “All I Want for Christmas is Spirulina” campaign. I would like to thank my best buddy Mona for being such a caring and understanding friend. I don’t want thousands of friends on Facebook, nor do I want thousands of followers on Instagram. I just want a real friend like you. Thanks for being present in my life, all the time, all the way.
Please make my wish come true and deliver the complete 60 essential nutrients in one Elken Spirulina Powder to her on this merry, joyful and blissful X’mas.
Sample #3
Dear Elken Santa,
I would like to participate in the “All I Want for Christmas is Spirulina” campaign! I would like to thank my upline, brother Sam for leading me to such a wonderful platform where I can turn my dreams into a reality.
The borderless global opportunity that he brought to me changed my tough life into a wonderful one with financial freedom! You saw the potential in me that even I myself couldn’t see. I am grateful to have the best mentor ever like you!
Please make my wish come true and deliver the complete 60 essential nutrients in one Elken Spirulina Powder him and wish him a wealthy & prosperous 2021.