Sip, Rinse, Repeat – Caring for Your Reusable Drinkware
Reusable water bottles are environmentally friendly, save you money, and keep you hydrated. What’s not to love about it? But if you haven’t been cleaning it regularly, then you’re only allowing bacteria to grow all over your bottle. Like any kitchenware and cookware that you use, you should clean your reusable drinkware regularly.
However, amid concerns on the current coronavirus situation, you start wondering – how should you clean your reusable water bottles and coffee mugs and how often should you clean them. After all, the last thing you want to do is carry around dangerous bacteria.
Experts say you should wash your water bottle or mug after every use as any warm, damp place is a breeding ground for mould growth. Sanitise your water bottle at the end of each day, whether it is made of stainless steel, plastic, or some other hard material. And don’t forget to give the cap and straw (if your bottle has one), a good cleaning too!
So what’s the best way to clean your reusable water bottle?
3 Ways to Clean Your Water Bottles + a Bonus Tip
Water bottles should be washed daily, after each use. Some bottles are dishwasher safe. If so, you can toss your bottle in the dishwasher each time you run a cycle. Bear in mind that your bottle may be dishwasher friendly, however, the lid may not be. For those who don’t have dishwashers, you only need plain old hot water, a cleaning agent, and a bottle brush.
Liquid Dish Soap
For everyday washes, warm and soapy water can do the trick. When washing your bottle, remember to wash the exterior, the lid and the mouthpiece.
- Fill your water bottle with hot water and add a few drops of liquid dish detergent.
- Place the cap on your water bottle and give it a few good shakes.
- Pour out the suds and use a bottle scrub brush to deep clean the whole bottle.
- Rinse your bottle in warm water until all the soap bubbles are gone.
- Leave your bottle to dry out thoroughly.

Distilled White Vinegar
Vinegar is everyone’s favourite go-to cleaning agent as it is natural and easily available at every supermarket. This combination is a great way to clean a stainless steel water bottle.
- Fill your bottle halfway with equal parts water and vinegar.
- Screw on the lid and give the bottle a few shakes.
- Let it sit with the solution overnight.
- Rinse your bottle and the lid the next day with warm water to remove any vinegar.
- Leave it aside to dry.
Baking Soda and Bleach
If your bottle hasn’t been cleaned in a while and you’re worried about the bacteria build-up, you can consider cleaning your bottle and lid with baking soda and bleach.
- Mix a teaspoon of bleach with a teaspoon of baking soda in your water bottle.
- Fill the remainder with water.
- Leave the concoction in your water bottle overnight.
- Rinse thoroughly with warm water the next day.

Water cleaning tablets are yet another reasonable approach. Just fill your water bottle with water, drop the tablets in as directed on the package, and let it sit for at least 30 minutes. Then rinse out your bottle and you’re good to go!
If you think it is easier to just get a disposable coffee cup, don’t. There is no reason to use throwaway cups as it is bad for the environment. As long as you are washing your drinkware with soap and water daily, your cups and bottles should be safe from germs and bacteria. In fact, the same rule applies for hand-washing, which you should be doing often as well!