Good Carbs vs. Bad Carbs – What Are They? June 4, 2021 Everyone needs to eat carbs at any point of their lives but that also doesn’t mean you should fuel up with cookies, candy, and potato chips. The best way you can go about it is to go for carbs that benefit you and avoid those that don’t.
Superfood Spirulina for Moms-to-be and Kids May 1, 2020 Pregnancy and childhood are phases in life that witness rapid physical growth and as such, require special nutritional care for healthy development. In fact, a healthy baby starts from a well-nourished, physically-fit mom. Generally, there are three different phases from pregnancy to childhood with each stage requiring different nutrition.
The Best Ways to Supplement Your Immune System May 10, 2021 Have you ever wondered how your immune system works? Do you know how important it is to have one that functions at optimum? Here’s how and why.
Bananas for Constipation? August 25, 2020 Constipation is a common health problem characterised by irregular bowel movements and hard stools that are difficult to pass. Constipation is often caused by a few factors, ranging from a poor diet to a lack of exercise. So, can you fix it? Actually, you can – with bananas! Although some people may claim that bananas cause constipation, there are those who swear by these long yellow fruit that can help prevent it.
Spirulina, the Miracle Superfood for Your Brain May 1, 2020 Do your kids have problems concentrating in class? Are they alert and quick to understand the lessons? Can they remember what is taught? If your answer is “No”, how can you help them?
Preparing Your Child For School Reopening December 10, 2021 For any parent, sending their child off to school is always a stressful experience. There is the anxiety of your child’s safety and well-being, as well as how they would adapt to a new environment. Then also comes the worry and occasional guilt of not being there for them, especially in this testing time of their young lives.
The Bacterial War inside Your Gut March 22, 2021 While you eat, sleep, work, and play, there is a war raging inside you. Nothing for you to be alarmed of; it is just your average daily bacteria at play. Did you know that your gut is home to two types of bacteria? The good and the bad.
Spirulina, the Perfect Source of Nutrition May 1, 2020 When it comes to food, no single entity has garnered as many accolades as Spirulina. Certified by various international organisations, spirulina has gained recognition as the best gift from Mother Nature by a number of international organisations:
Build Strong Bones for You and Your Baby with Calmax September 1, 2020 Calcium can be found in 99% of our skeleton including our teeth, making it one of the most vital elements to our health especially for pregnant women. Calcium deficiency in pregnant women is highly dangerous as babies begin to draw calcium from their mother’s bones; if mothers suffer from calcium deficiency, it can pose many possible health complications for both mom and baby.
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